First Sea Turtle Nest of 2021

Volunteers Sandy and Lucy spotted South Carolina’s first sea turtle nest of the season last night on Seabrook Island!

turtle team seabrook feat
Sea turtle team volunteers Sandy and Lucy spotted a crawl and located South Carolina’s first nest of the 2021 season on Seabrook Island. / SCDNR


The new nest was laid by a loggerhead, one of four species that nest along the state’s coast and the species that frequent’s our South Carolina beaches the most.  The other species are Kemp’s ridleys, leatherbacks, and greens.

Mother sea turtles will be coming ashore on South Carolina beaches to lay their eggs over the next couple of months, and the first eggs will hatch around July 1. SCDNR asks that we help give these protected animals the best shot at survival by keeping lights off our beaches at night and reporting nest disturbances or sick/injured/dead sea turtles to our 24/7 hotline at 1-800-922-5431. 📣

Want to learn more about Beaufort’s sea turtle conversation teams? Check out this story: 

Beaufort’s Amazing Sea Turtle Teams