Christmas kindness in Beaufort: 'Layaway angels' pay off Christmas layaways at local KMart
In a local story of true Christmas kindness, a few mystery people have paid off several Christmas layaways at Beaufort’s KMart store at Beaufort Town Center. A few anonymous local donors — so-called layaway angels — are paying off strangers’ in-store layaway balances, essentially buying the Christmas gifts for other families.
“I had the best phone call today. KMart’s layaway department called to tell me that an unknown, generous individual paid off some layaway accounts and mine was one of them”, said Donna Pine of Beaufort. “To that Secret Santa… thank you! He or she couldn’t have known how much that was needed”, Donna said.
You hear touching stories all the time, but usually in other parts of the state or the country. Someone finds $1,000 in a Salvation Army kettle, a truckload of toys is mysteriously donated to a church or an organization, someone leaves a $100 bill at the coffee shop for the next customers to enjoy free coffee.
It makes it much more special when it happens in YOUR town. When it’s YOUR neighbors. When it’s a friend of YOURS. It just seems to effect real people when you can relate to where it’s happened, and it gives you a sense of pride in your local community.
Beaufort KMart Manager Bill Lutz told us that “some local individuals came forward in November, after Thanksgiving, and another came forward on Friday, December 21st”. “It’s nice to see such wonderful generosity in our community”.
Donna added, “It warms my heart and restores my faith in my fellow Americans that there are people out there who think of others. I hope this individual knows that their generosity is deeply appreciated!”
Undoubtedly, these particular local individuals who paid off the KMart Christmas layaways can rest assured that they made a difference in someone’s life.
Thank you, whoever you are. For making our community brighter this Holiday season.
And, Merry Christmas to you…