Local Marines assist with erosion control at Hunting Island Beach
To protect our beloved beaches and minimize the impact of storm damage, beach renourishment on Hunting Island is necessary for our beautiful coast.
A big thank you to Marines from Marine Wing Support Squadron-273 aboard MCAS Beaufort, SC who brought in heavy equipment to help remove debris and assist in controlling the constant erosion on Hunting Island Beach.
MWSS 273 spent last weekend at the ever-eroding local spot using equipment to help with erosion control by removing man-made and natural debris. Marines from MWSS-273 first started helping out Hunting Island in 1997.
Losing about fifteen feet of sand each year, it’s been said by some that within the next 5 to 10 years the historic Hunting Island Lighthouse may have to be moved further away from the immediate coastline unless the state undertakes a beach renourishing project, very soon.
Photos by Robin Price