Governor Nikki Haley thanks Candice Glover in State of the State address
We can’t get enough of Candice Glover news here in Beaufort. Every time we see her, hear of her, or find out she’s performing somewhere special on television, Beaufort is proud.
On Wednesday night, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley publicly congratulated Beaufort’s American Idol winner.
Governor Haley said that Candice “wowed the nation when she won last year, and when I met her, she wowed me.” She called Candice “a shining example of what it means to never give up”, noting that she had auditioned three times before making the show.
She then thanked Glover for making her home state proud.
Candice and her parents John and Carole, were special guests Wednesday night for the SC Governor’s 4th annual State of the State address.