Outdoor Community Yoga takes over Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park
By Megan Howe | Taking a leisurely walk downtown on Sunday at Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park, one may have noticed several people under the pavilion doing some yoga and combining it with some generosity, and love. That would have been the folks from Dancing Dogs Yoga in their newest class, Outdoor Community Yoga, at their newest location, outdoors. Open to the public, Dancing Dogs Yoga is inviting the entire community to join them for FREE yoga classes in no better setting than outside in the beautiful Beaufort sun.
Donations will be accepted with 100% of all proceeds going to benefit Africa Yoga Project, “an organization creating transformation, empowerment, and change through the practice of yoga”.
(To learn more about Africa Yoga Project, please click here.)
Owner of Dancing Dogs Yoga and an Africa Yoga Project Ambassador, Shelley Lowther, is fundraising for Africa Yoga Project with plans to travel to Kenya to work with the organization firsthand.
Want to get involved?
On July 22nd, you can join the yogis at Hunting Island State Park for Community Yoga at Hunting Island Beach. Meet in front of the lighthouse for a fun FREE class at 4pm. (Donations for Africa Yoga Project will be accepted.) You are invited to come early, around 3pm, to hang out before class and be in community before Community Yoga! No mat required– a beach towel works well.
Plan NOW to be at Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park on September 9th for the event ‘Yoga Aid for Africa Yoga Project’. Yoga practitioners and studios around the world gather together in karma yoga. This is our part in a worldwide effort as 20,000 yogis from 20 counties come together to raise $1 million for charity. Attend a live DJ yoga party with vibrations that will be felt around the world. You are guaranteed to have an amazing day of yoga and connection to Community. For more information please visit us at Dancing Dogs Yoga.
You are ready NOW. Join us on the mat.
From M.E. To You,