Panini's represents Beaufort at SC State Fair's 'SC Fresh on the Menu' restaurant demonstration
As part of Panini’s on the Waterfront’s committment to using as much fresh & locally produced and harvested products as possible, and it’s commitment to using SC Certified products from other parts of the state, the restaurant was asked bythe SC Department of Agriculture to join 6 other restaurants from throughout the state in a restaurant cooking demonstration at the South Carolina State Fair in Columbia, SC on Sunday, as part of the South Carolina “Fresh on the Menu” & “Certified SC Grown” programs.
Being the only restaurant from Beaufort in attendance, owner Paul Thompson was happy to be there. “The event was a great success, and we hope we gave both Beaufort and ourselves some great exposure. Many of the people who were there from The Upstate said that they would have to make the trip down to see Beaufort, and to eat at Panini’s”, Thompson said.
Panini’s Chef Paul Donella did a hand-pulled Mozzarella demonstration, and the downtown Beaufort restaurant cooked up it’s Medditerranean Shrimp & Grits for folks from all over the state to try a little bit of Beaufort. Then they even served a few Lady’s Island Oysters, “for those that stayed a little later”, Thompson said.
35-40% of the current menu ingredients at Panini’s on the Waterfront are ‘SC Certified’, a number that has it’s owner proud.
Here’s a list, in part, of what Panini’s uses that is exclusively sourced from SC Producers & Farms:
Local Produce
Local Seafood
SC Dairy & Eggs
Keegan-Filion Farms pork products (chicken coming soon)
Labella Pasta (manufactured in SC)
Lady’s Island Oyster Farms “Single Ladies” oysters
Panini’s on the Waterfront is located at 926 Bay Street, on Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park in historic Downtown Beaufort.