St. Helena Library to host hurricane preparedness workshop
With the first serious threat of the 2015 hurricane Season swirling around in the Atlantic with Tropical Storm Erika currently, the timing is right for the St. Helena Branch Library to host a Hurricane Preparedness workshop and Alternate Transportation Sign-Up on Tuesday, September 15th at 2:00 PM.
With the Atlantic Ocean brewing tropical storms, now is the perfect time to review hurricane plans and evacuation routes, and to prepare your loved ones and pets before an evacuation is issued. David Zeoli, Deputy Director of Emergency Management will provide information for attendees on what to do to prepare for an evacuation, what to expect should someone choose not to evacuate, and how to prepare for the care of pets. Online registration will be available for those who need to arrange for alternate transportation in the event of an evacuation.
A recording of this session will be made available to the public. Those unable to attend this session are encouraged to visit the Emergency Management website for Hurricane Outlook information at
To register for alternate Hurricane Evacuation transportation with Owl, call Logistic Care at 866-445-9964 (medical patients and their escort) or online with Palmetto Breeze at http://palmettobreezetransit.
For more information, please contact: Maria J Benac, Branch Manager, St. Helena Branch Library 843-255-6540