What is EatSleepPlayBeaufort.COM?
We’ve been asked, what must have been a zillion times, the question ‘What is EatSleepPlayBeaufort.com?’. And you know, that is actually a good question. So we thought we’d just go ahead and do our absolute best to tell everyone.
Launched March 5th 2012, EatSleepPlayBeaufort.com is a portal website into Beaufort and all the best of what our amazingly-gorgeous-historic-friendly-peaceful-beautiful little town has to offer (Seriously.) Elements of a ‘portal’ website were combined with a daily ‘online-magazine’ feel that will provide readers with hyper-local news, event coverage, and Beaufort-related stories and features. We feel that this format will enhance what potential visitors to and future residents of Beaufort, alike, are able to see about our wonderful town, and will also provide community information on a daily basis to our fellow Beaufortonians. Everything a local should know, and a visitor should never miss.
PickleJuice Productions (PJP), an award winning Website Design & Development studio based right here in Beaufort, helped design and develop our new logo and worked closely with us on our website’s design. With over 15 years of website design experience, including the development of several city portals, PickleJuice was a perfect partner to get this project off the ground, up and running strong! PickleJuice applied their unique design capabilities and knowledge of successful city portal layouts to assist us in creating what we think is an advantageous, user friendly and beneficial resource for the Beaufort community and our many visitors.
As a website, Beaufort proudly shows itself. With Beaufort history, attractions, festivals and events, restaurants, a comprehensive Calendar of Beaufort happenings, shopping, accomodations and much more, the vacation-shopper who is perusing the internet can delve deep into Beaufort and not only see our coveted Historic District and breathtaking Sea Islands, but also take a good long look at where the locals go.
On a local basis, EatSleepPlayBeaufort.com is hoping to fill a gap that exists in the Beaufort area in coverage on hyper-local community activities, news, business news, and community events…without being a ‘black-and-white’ news source and without looking to compete with any other local news source in our area. EatSleepPlayBeaufort.com simply wishes to attempt to enhance what is already out there in the Beaufort market. As a social media site in the Beaufort area over the last two years, there’s been a great deal of time to study what is needed in terms of local media coverage, and EatSleepPlayBeaufort.com is embracing the opportunity to attempt to fill that void.
More and more people today are turning toward the web and to social media; Facebook, Twitter, and the like, to obtain their daily news and information-fix, and turning away from more-traditional news sources.
Our goal is to be a part of the community, to help present our community, and of course to bring positivity, fun, and excitement whenever possible. Just like you’ve seen over the past few years with Eat Sleep Play Beaufort’s social media…you can be sure there’ll be contests, giveaways, and a lot of fun, just as you can also be assured there will always be a strong support for our community, its residents, and it’s small businesses. We enjoy and respect the many civic partnerships that we have. We also have partnerships with some of our local Beaufort businesses to offer discounts & sales, and to host parties & events, and anything else that can be thought of.
Plans are in place to donate a percentage of any advertising profits on a quarterly basis to two local non-profit organizations in the Beaufort area, based on the previous quarter. Two different pairs of organizations will be selected each quarter, starting with July 2012.
On the business side, EatSleepPlayBeaufort’s advertising rates are among the lowest in our community, and always will be. This way, even the smallest of Beaufort businesses would be afforded the opportunity to advertise their business, their livlihood, on a larger scale. Not having the overhead of a large staff, allows EatSleepPlayBeaufort.com the chance to offer such opportunities.
A daily magazine feel?
In addition to Eat Sleep Play Beaufort’s constant connection to the community, we are proud to have the dedication of a group of contributors and writers including Cindy Reid, a talented freelance writer who contributes locally also to Beaufort Lifestyle; Deanna Bowdish, owner of downtown Beaufort’s The Gallery, who will talk about Art and the local Beaufort scene; Tess Malijenovsky, another talented freelance writer who contributes to a few local Beaufort publications brings her passion for the environment, sustainability, and a good ‘eco-sense’ of what’s going on locally; Hannah Morris, an experienced Arts & Entertainment writer and a top-notch reporter; local historian Donna Perry
who’s passion for our local history is coupled with a cute way of telling it with Chely the Beaufort Bear; our good friends Nick Borreggine and David Steele will be kind enough lend us some of their Lowcountry Food experiences, tips, and recipies; and ‘super-agent’ and budding Beaufort-ambassador Will McCullough will tell us how the local real estate market is doing. We are also quite happy to have to native Beaufortonians Megan Howe and Ashley Hamm on board, lending their talents to Beaufort as well.
Our goal is to provide interesting content and to provide our readers with the absolute best…and we will constantly work at new ways to deliver to you by constantly changing and innovating what you see…whether you’re a local here in town, or you’re on the website planning your next getaway to Beaufort from your office in Cleveland, Ohio, Upstate New York, somewhere in Tennessee or anywhere else…
If you have something that you feel could contribute to ESPB, or a story you would like told or would like to tell in your own words, please feel free to email us at eatstayplaybeaufort@gmail.com. We accept contributing articles, event information, and thoughtful ideas too!