An Update from Friends of Whitehall Park
A lot has happened and there is much to report.
Exciting days are ahead, and we thank you again for all of your support!
Park Update
The 10 acre park is now owned by Beaufort County! Thanks to ALL for the support and hard work! This has truly been a team and community effort. This was an incredible effort by community, government and the Beaufort County Open Land Trust, spearheaded by Barbara Holmes.
A Steering Committee with representatives from the County, City, Open Land Trust, Whitehall Development Group (Developer) and Friends of Whitehall Park. This structure will provide an excellent opportunity for good communication.
Initial park plans are being drafted and will be reviewed by the steering committee. At least one public meeting will be held to provide for input before plans are finalized.
It’s still too early to say when the park will be opened, but that information will be shared as soon as it is available.
Causeway Project
The causeway connecting the Woods Bridge to the park provides an opportunity to develop a unique and special “Gateway” to the park.
The Friends of Whitehall Park are initiating a project to “Adopt the Causeway” which connects the park to the planned bridge connector. While details need to be ironed out, the project may involve walkways, trees and landscaping, with a goal of having a stunning and unique entryway to Whitehall Park. Phase 1 of this effort has a fundraising goal of $100,000.
We are pleased and excited to announce that our first Platinum Live Oak Partner has made a contribution. Bonny and Doug Carmody have made a very generous contribution to the Friends and to the causeway effort. Thank you Bonny and Doug!
Community Foundation
We’ve teamed up with Community Foundation of the Lowcountry, a 501(c)(3) local organization serving the SC Lowcountry area since 1994, to establish the Friends of Whitehall Park Fund. This relationship allows the Friends to accept tax-deductible donations, take advantage of significant infrastructure and administrative support services provided by through this partnership, and most importantly, allows Friends to focus on assisting in the creation of the park, maintaining the park and allows contributions to be made to enhance the park.
You can donate online using a credit card or you could mail a contribution to:
Community Foundation of the Lowcountry
C/O Whitehall Park
Post Office Box 23019
Hilton Head Island, SC 29925
Our Perspective
A few short months ago, in August, we formed Friends of Whitehall Park, to raise public awareness for a potential park. At the same time, we established a “Change” petition asking City and County leaders to consider purchase of the Park. Nearly 6000 people signed the petition within an amazingly short 8 weeks. We listened when you voiced your opinion through social media, and by your attendance in the many City and County meetings. Your support made ALL of the difference.
The Open Land Trust and Rural and Critical Fund worked hard to make certain that the land was protected from future development in perpetuity! What an achievement!
We now have a park and we still have many, many interested people who want to help the park reach its full potential. The City, County, Open Land Trust, the Developer and Friends of Whitehall Park are all working together for the same goal….a wonderful park that we can preserve for the future.
And yet we ask for your help once again…if you can find a way to help us create the gateway, an entryway…a signature pathway into the park .
If you can make a tax deductible contribution to this effort and to help us continue our work efforts on your behalf, it will be much appreciated.
Thanks for your continued support and help!
Paul Butare
Friends of Whitehall Park
For more information, please visit