Beaufort to participate in 7th annual Worldwide Photo Walk

Downtown’s Point neighborhood is as picturesque as any we’ve seen in the south, or anywhere for that matter. On Saturday, October 11th, photographers will invade the Point neighborhood as they gather in cities across the globe to capture a slice of life through their own eyes during the 7th Annual Worldwide Photo Walk.

Yes, we said it’s here in Beaufort. The world’s largest global social photography event in the history of photography itself.

Photographers of all walks of life and skill levels gather together, on the same day to socialize, learn new tips from each other, and explore their corner of the world through photography. Last year over 1300 walks took place in countries like the Philippines, Iran, India, Great Britain and the United States.

The Beaufort walk will start at the foot of the Woods Bridge (Beaufort Side) and will photograph in The Point from 9am – 11am. Participation is free.

Just register at

Participants are also eligible to win prizes from the Worldwide Photo Walk’s sponsors if their photo is chosen as the best photo of the day by their walk leader.

Each winning walk photo is then entered into a global competition where the “best photo” of the event along with 10 runners-up.

Please contact Sandy Dimke, Beaufort walk leader, for more information at

Beaufort to participate in 7th annual Worldwide Photo Walk