Beauty of Beaufort book debut a hit Thursday night

By Micah Peppers | Beaufort Inn’s Tabby Place was filled with fans, photographers and members of Friends of Hunting Island Thursday evening for the anticipated book debut and author signing of The Beauty of Beaufort. A year in the making, the book features over 175 images from 28 local contributors. Throughout the night, guests mingled, snacked on hors d’oeuvres, sipped wine and one lucky raffle winner even walked away with a free book.
Publisher Lydia Inglett approached the Photography Club of Beaufort’s President Joan Eckhardt about getting its members involved.  Inglett visualized a book full of breathtaking images that captured the Lowcountry with historically written descriptions by Author, Ryan Copeland.  Several categories were given such as shrimping, Port Royal wetlands, Hunting Island, etc. Hundreds of images were submitted and Inglett with her team, selected the ones that would be featured on the pages. As a thank you to the Photography Club of Beaufort, all net proceeds from now until May 31st will benefit the Friends of Hunting Island. After this date, proceeds can benefit the nonprofit organization if purchased directly from a Photography Club or Friends of Hunting Island member.
 The Photography Club of Beaufort was very selective in choosing which organization to direct the donations, but the Friends of Hunting Island was the obvious choice. This nonprofit greatly depends on contributions to help acquire items such as planting sea oats, ADA beach accessible wheelchairs, sand fencing, and a nature center.  This year’s plan is to even create a replica lighthouse playground for those not quite tall enough to climb the real one. “The books’ proceeds will really help purchase a lot of items that are not state funded,” stated Friends of Hunting Island President, Denise Parsick.
If interested in purchasing The Beauty of Beaufort, contact the Photography Club of Beaufort, Friends of Hunting Island, or visit to grab your copy today.
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