Boating Tips for a Safe and Happy Lowcountry Summer
Happy Summer! Water Festival is right around the corner and as the landings, rivers, and creeks heat up don’t let impatience and irresponsibility ruin your day or anyone else’s. Here are some great boating tips from Beaufort local and outdoor enthusiast, Susan Trogdon, to help you and others enjoy our beautiful waterways all Summer long.
Pass politely!
When another boat is coming your way, head starboard (right) and pass port-side to port-side (left). No guesswork, no collision!
Sailboats under sail have the right-of-way over powered boats
Sailboats under sail have the right-of-way over powered boats. If they are running with an engine with sails up, it’s powered.
HUMAN powered vessels (kayaks, SUP’s) have the right-of-way over ANY other vessel including a sailboat.
Very Important! HUMAN powered vessels (kayaks, SUP’s) have the right-of-way over ANY other vessel including a sailboat. I bet y’all are SHOCKED over that one, so don’t squish us!!!!!!!
Respect anchored or beached neighbors.
Respect anchored or beached neighbors. Not everyone loves rap, country or classic rock 😎 Be careful of people swimming and for goodness sakes, be aware of anchor lines. I don’t know how many we have had cut!
Do NOT litter!
Don’t throw your trash in the river, People!!! It’s so easy to put litter back in the cooler or beach bag and dispose of it when you get home. Seriously think about what lives in our rivers and creeks…you wouldn’t go into someone’s home and throw your coke can on the floor!
Take it slow.
In case you don’t know…half throttle throws the biggest wake. Be conscious when going by docks, SUP’s/Kayakers, small boats, anchored boats (people fishing) and boat landings!! I know it seems forever to put the boat at idle speed, but you really will get where you’re going!
Patience is key!
Deep breaths at the boat landings. Wait your turn and don’t be an idiot and jump line! Remember: some people are still learning to back a boat/trailer so just smile and remember the first time you did it. Heck, it’s even entertaining. Those of us loading our kayaks/sups have a right to use the landing if there’s not a place specific for us. We are actually pretty efficient and will be out of your way in no-time. Those without a trailer should park away from the space for boat trailers as those spaces are limited!
Don’t drink and drive.
Think about what you’re doing. If you can’t think clearly, let someone else drive the boat!
Be Kind.