Candice Glover buttons for sale at St. Helena Elementary
The PTO at St. Helena Elementary School on St. Helena Island are working overtime to make buttons in support of local star, and former student, Candice Glover. At a cost of only $1 each, members are selling them to donate to the Glover Family’s travel expenses to Hollywood. Volunteers are working all day long to make the buttons, each depicting a popular Candice photo from this season of American Idol.
In a back office room, at a feverish pace, the buttons are being created by volunteers Sandy Whitmore and Beverly Scott, each happy to donate their time. Assistant school principal Tara Mack said “we want to do everything we can to support and help Candice, she’s just amazing.”
If you would like to purchase one, or a DOZEN, please call 843-838-0300 during school hours.