First sea turtle nest of the season found on Fripp Island Beach
Our local turtle season is starting to pick up. In addition to the first nest of the season in Beaufort County being found on Harbor Island on Friday, Monday morning saw Fripp Island’s first nest of the season.
Walking along Fripp Island Beach bright and early in the morning, the Fripp Island Turtle Patrol came across the momma turtle still on the beach just starting to make her way back into the ocean after building her nest and burying her eggs.
“The nest was deemed fit and not in need of relocation to a safer place” said Fripp Patrol’s Janie Lackman. “It was a great morning on Fripp.”
We’re looking forward to a super fun turtle season. Thanks to all the volunteers who comb the beaches of Fripp, Hunting and Harbor Islands. Follow the Fripp team all season long on our Facebook page, and visit them here.
See what people are saying about it on Facebook:
Enjoy some photos from the morning with the Fripp Island Turtle Patrol:
Photos by Janie Lackman and Judy McCormick Dayner.