Friends of Beaufort Library to hold annual Fall Book Sale
The Friends of the Beaufort Library: Beaufort, Lobeco and St. Helena Branches will hold its Annual Fall Book Sale September 26-28, 2014 at the Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park in downtown Beaufort.
The Friends of the Library member-only preview sale is from 10 am – noon on Friday, Sept. 26 with the sale opened to the public starting at noon (through 6 pm) and continuing on Saturday, Sept. 27 from 10 am – 6 pm and Sunday, Sept. 28 from noon to 4 pm. This book sale is the main fundraiser for the FOL with all proceeds benefitting the Beaufort County Public Library branches in Beaufort, Lobeco and St. Helena Island. Renew your FOL membership or join the Friends to gain early Member Preview access.
Always one of the biggest sales of its type held in Beaufort County, it will be just as grand this year with thousands of gently used books, CDs and DVDs available. Books will again be priced at $2 for most hardbacks, $1.50 for trade paperbacks and 50 cents for paperbacks. Children’s books will be individually priced with many just 10 cents. On Sunday, all remaining books will be half-price.
Also, the popular Silent Auction begins Friday morning and concludes at 4 pm on Saturday. This year’s auction includes numerous rare and collectible volumes including books from the library of local author Lois Battle as well as a large number of books from Historian Richard Raeon with diverse subjects as the Civil War, French & Indian War, American Revolution, Beaufort and other local and regional SC state history and more.
As in previous years, the book sale includes titles of every genre, for all ages and covering every conceivable subject area. This includes fiction, biography, nature, how-to, art, travel, local interest, military, history, a large children’s section, cookbooks and autographed selections. The fall book sale is the main fund-raiser for the FOL, who in turn, are the largest volunteer supporters of the three public library branches located in northern Beaufort County (downtown Beaufort, Lobeco and St. Helena Island).
Prior to the book sale, and at any time, book donations continue to be encouraged and accepted at all three library branches.