Help plan Whitehall Park by filling out this community questionnaire

Beaufort  County has hired Wood and Partners to develop a Park Master Plan. Your input is crucial in helping Friends of Whitehall Park focus on your most important concerns and ideas for this new plan. Please take the survey and pass this message on to your friends. The more feedback the better!

The Whitehall Park project consists of master planning, design, and construction document preparation for a passive park at the 9.72-acre Whitehall Park. True teamwork between the County, the City, Open Land Trust and Friends of Whitehall is helping Friends of Whitehall Park make progress! Once the survey results are tabulated, the County will have an “Open House” to present the findings and provide another opportunity for input.

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Friends of Whitehall Park

The mission of the Friends of Whitehall Park Fund is to sustain a collaborative effort between Beaufort, South Carolina residents and visitors which provides support for the preservation of natural resources and maintenance of Whitehall Park for community enjoyment and use for generations to come. This will be accomplished through volunteerism, partnerships, fundraising, and direct sponsorship.

Photography of Whitehall Park by Delk Haigler