Little Blue survives Hurricane Matthew
The last cabin standing along the beach at Hunting Island State Park is a celebrity among locals and visitors as folks have taken to a love affair with the cabin’s fight against nature over the past few years. Little Blue is sitting out in the ocean as beach erosion has taken its toll on Hunting Island. Built in 2003 for some vacation fun, it’s the last of a string of vacation cabins right along the beach…and she belongs to the ocean as an icon of the plight of the island against erosion. Nature keeps pecking away at it.
But not this time. Not this storm.
The little-cabin-that-could has survived Hurricane Matthew’s wrath.
Bennie Brawley posted the first known photo of the cabin since Matthew bruised the Beaufort coast on October 7th & 8th. Posted on Facebook, the photo was taken from Fripp Island and you can clearly see the little small cabin is still standing strong. On Sunday morning, Ashley Williams photographed her from an airplane while surveying damage along our sea islands. (see photo above)
Little Blue is indeed SC strong!
Next to the famed Hunting Island Lighthouse, the lonely cabin which is now several yards offshore due to recent beach erosion, is the single most photographed attraction at the beach and quite perhaps one of the most photographed locations in all of South Carolina.
Sadly, the South Carolina State Park system intends on taking the cabin own sometime during the fall/winter of 2016.