Local organizations create 'Supper Society' event
Historic Beaufort Foundation and Main Street Beaufort, USA join forces with an unforgettable dining experience…The Supper Society.
Occurring 2-4 times per year, The Supper Society will feature a 4 course meal made of local ingredients prepared by 2 local chefs in a unique location. The guest Chefs will be made public as well as the main entree theme, but the full menu and location will only be revealed 2 days before the event to the people who have purchased tickets.
The first gathering of The Supper Society will be Thursday, May 17th at 7pm. Chef Brian Waters of Saltus River Grill and Chef Christopher Hewitt of Southern Graces will be preparing a meal featuring local Cobia. Local oysters and produce will compliment the meal. Attendees will be asked to bring their own beverage. The organizers have invited students from LOUD, Inc. to serve the dinner. LOUD is a local non-profit organization that utilizes media arts and performances of slam style poetry to focus teens on components of success.
Any gratuities that the students receive will help pay for a trip to San Francisco to compete in HBO’s Brave New Voices series. The Beaufort Youth Orchestra has been invited to provide entertainment.
Tickets are $65 and can be purchased by calling the HBF office at 843.379.3331, the MSB office at 843.525.6644, or by visiting http://www.historicbeaufort.org/giftshop/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=27&Itemid=26 .
With very limited seating, tickets are expected to sell quickly so purchase yours now.
Historic Beaufort Foundation and Main Street Beaufort, USA will soon be planning the next event in the series and are welcoming ideas for unique locations to host the event. If you are interested in providing a location for one of these events, please contact either organization.
Both organizations are accredited by The National Trust for Historic Preservation and have partnered on projects and events before. This new series will help provide funding for future projects the two groups wish to work on together, including funding for Preservation Leadership Training and a future façade grant program.