'LOUD' team to appear on HBO
The LOUD Inc. slam poetry team comprised of local teens has been accepted to compete on the HBO Docu-series Brave New Voices www.youthspeaks.org/bravenewvoices July of 2012.
LOUD Inc., short for Living Out Ur Dreams, is a local non-profit that utilizes media arts and performance slam style poetry to focus teens on three components of success: holistic development, violence prevention and academic achievement.
Since LOUD Inc.’s inception the summer of 2009 , LOUD Resident Artists have educated approximately 100 local teens in the areas of recording arts education, film/photography and performance slam style poetry and provided students the opportunity to visit universities and showcase their talents in several out of state locations including Durham , NC; Orlando, FL and New York, NY.
LOUD Inc. has also opened two satellite sites in partnership with the Jasper County Boys & Girls Club and The Boys & Girls Club of Hilton Head Island.
Current LOUD student statistics prove that 90% of LOUD students who have spent at least one year participating in LOUD programming have raised high/middle grade point averages the equivalent of one full letter grade. All LOUD students that have reached the age of 18 have gone on to participate in higher education opportunities or begin a military career. LOUD has observed zero incidences of violence during LOUD sessions and zero incidences of teenage pregnancy amongst students while participating in the LOUD program.
You are welcome to sit in on LOUD sessions every Wednesday and Thursday 4pm-7pm at 912 Hamar St. Beaufort, SC 29901. For more information on how to live out Ur Dreams please contact LOUD via their website www.livingouturdreams.org