Olympic Marathon runner to visit Beaufort

Olympic Marathon Runner Pardon Ndhlovu, from Zimbabwe, will be paying a visit to Beaufort this month to run the 10 mile leg of the annual Beaufort Twilight Run and he’ll be making a special visit to Grounded Running in Port Royal the day before the event.
Joining Ndhlovu in Beaufort with Zap Fitness-Reebok is Tyler Pennel, who is one of the U.S. top 5 marathon runners. Pennel placed 5th in the U.S. Olympic Trials in 2016 and planned to compete in the 5000m and 10000m trials for the 2016 Olympics but a stress fracture in April ended his Olympic plans.
Also at the clinic will be Nicole Dimercurio, who is building her professional running career quickly after graduating from the University of Georgia and running in the 2016 Olympic Marathon Trials.
All three runners will be in town to compete on Saturday, March 18th in the 10-mile race at the Beaufort Twilight Run.
You can meet them on Friday March 17th at Grounded Running and hear what it’s like to run against the world’s best and what school-age kids can be doing now to begin developing a successful running career. We’ll also hear Pardon’s inspirational story of humble beginnings in Zimbabwe where he ran barefoot in all his races, and how his drive for success can be a lesson for anyone.
“This is a fantastic opportunity to meet these folks and to talk running with some of the leaders of the sport,” Grounded Running owner Tim Waz. “Their individual stories are interesting and inspiring.”
The Clinic is presented by the Beaufort Twilight Run and Grounded Running.
Grounded Running is located at 864 Parris Island Gateway in Shell Point. Find more information about the event here.