Zonta Club of Beaufort offers scholarships for women
Zonta Club of Beaufort, a local service organization of executives in business working together to advance the status of women, will award two $1000 scholarships this year with it’s annual scholarship program. One award will go to a working woman and one to a female high school senior residing in Northern Beaufort County.
The “Scholarship for Women” is awarded to a high school senior female student planning to attend undergraduate, certificate, or technical degree program at an accredited University/college/institute at the time the funds are received while the “Scholarship for Working Women” is awarded to working women enrolled in graduate, undergraduate, certificate, or technical degree program at an accredited university/college/institute at the time the funds are received.
Scholarship applications are now available. Please email zontabeaufort@yahoo.com to request an application. Questions, please call 843-838-5053.