Beaufort Academy basketball coach steps down after 18 year run

Beaufort Academy announced Thursday that long-time Head Boys Basketball Coach, Chip Dinkins is stepping down. Dinkins, 2016’s Island Packet/Beaufort Gazette coach of the year, missed most of last season after suffering a torn aorta. Chip started coaching at Beaufort Academy in 1999 as the Junior Varsity coach and has made history ever since.
“Coach Dinkins and I have worked and coached together at BA for 3 years, but have been good friends for a long time, BA Athletic Director, Neal McCarty said. “Coach Dinkins had a great run coaching at his Alma Mater, 10 teams qualified for state playoffs, and won a state championship in 2006. Unfortunately, he missed most of his final season coaching due to a torn aorta. However, I have a good feeling that he still will be involved in some capacity. Chip is a legend around campus, and the voice of the Eagles on Friday nights in the Fall. I can’t thank Coach Dinkins enough for everything he has done for our school and basketball program up to today. Beaufort Academy is a better place, and basketball is a better program because of Coach Dinkins, McCarty added.
Beaufort Academy is in the search process of finding the next Varsity Boys Basketball Head Coach.