New arrival dates for Santa María due to damage sustained from storms
The new expected arrival date in Beaufort is April 6th and plan to stay until April 14.
Originally scheduled to arrive in Beaufort on Thursday, March 28, the Santa María encountered a severe storm system off the coast of Florida. The Captain and crew of the Santa María are facing challenges not unlike what early explorers faced in their efforts to navigate and sail the coast of La Florida in the 16th century.
Travel from Key West continues to be hindered by Mother Nature. After a diversion to Cape Canaveral this week due to serious storms off the coast, the Santa María’s attempt to restart their journey to Beaufort was met with volatile North winds in the gulf stream. After brave attempts to sail the 500-year-old replica vessel against these conditions, the ship sustained damage and the safety of the crew was at stake. Therefore, the Captain returned to Cape Canaveral for safe docking and ship repair.
Efforts to bring this vessel to Beaufort are still moving forward. The goal to provide an authentic, living history experience to visitors is only heightened by the trials of this journey. Imagine without today’s technology and weather forecasting what such voyages would be like.
Bear in mind, the original Santa María, the flagship of Columbus, was shipwrecked in 1492 in the Caribbean.
The new estimated dates for the port call in Beaufort are now April 6 to April 14, with a travel route through the St. Helena Sound, which will be the final hurdle for the Captain and crew to overcome in order to pass through the historic Woods Memorial swing bridge and dock at the downtown Beaufort sea wall.
If you purchased tickets for the original tour dates and aren’t able to be in town when the ship does arrive, please email to request a refund